
The Portuguese business culture

It is always important to know the cultural aspects of your Portuguese partner while doing business. These elements can help you to overcome some potential difficulties in communication. You should know some basic rules of trading etiquette such as punctuality, dress code, and gift giving.



In Portugal, punctuality is not seen as an important aspect. But the people in North Portugal are usually more punctual than those from the south. It is acknowledged as polite if you arrive five minutes late and being late by almost 30 minutes is considered to be coarse. In case, you would be running late for a meeting with your Portuguese counterpart it is proper if you call them and advise them of your delay. Do not be annoyed if you are kept expecting for up to 20 minutes since this is usual practice but you are free to express some discontent if you are kept waiting for 30 min.


Gift giving

In the Portuguese business environment, it is very normal to give gifts to customers and business partners. It is very offensive to turn down a gift. The gift is always viewed as a personal gesture, and it is not polite to re-distribute a gift to any staff. It is always recommended tat you send a thank you note even after you have said thanks.


Dressing code

In the Portuguese society, In general appearance is paramount. The Portuguese people are always keen on fashion, and the clothes, one puts on, is often used to gauge one’s status and success. When invited to a cultural event it is really advisable to dress carefully and also ensure that your accessories are coordinate, and you are well groomed. During a business meeting, it is always desirable to wear long sleeved shirts as short sleeved are considered casual. It is also fine to take off your cat in case you feel hot but make sure that your counterparts are comfortable with it. The women are advised to dress well but not to overdress. Conservative fashion is also preferred for any business meetings. Trousers and pants suits are also acceptable as part of women business attire
